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Post Category: Theology

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The Authority of God's Word

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Pastor Mike Bullmore tells the tale of a man who traveled to the Louvre in Paris to see famous pieces of art firsthand. As he stood in front of the Mona Lisa, which is always under guard, he played the part of an art critic. He took his time looking at the piece from several different angles before declaring, “I don’t like it”, to which the guard replied, “sir, the...

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A Way to Pray


The best way to teach your family to pray, is to model it. Jesus taught his disciples to pray for themselves. His lesson is recorded in Matthew 6.9-13. I challenge you to commit to praying for 21 days the following, after Jesus instruction:...

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Built for more than God

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The Scripture tells us that if draw near to God, he promises draws near to us. And he does, especially in these extended quiet times. But even when that happens, many discover that even with God there remains, at times a emptiness...a distance...a loneliness. It seems we may need something more than God. I realize that to suggest that we need something more than God m...

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