Genesis 4.17-26 | Remembered for our Work or our Worship
January 10, 2016 Speaker: Sam Ford Series: BEDROCK | Genesis 1-11
Topic: Old Testament Passage: Genesis 4:17–26
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When God’s rejection reveals his unfaithfulness, rather than examine his own heart, Cain attacks the faithful. God punishes him and Cain complains that God’s sentence is too harsh, ironically revealing his fear that others will do to him what he did. In response, God shows this unrepentant murdered grace, and promises Cain The rest of the chapter reveals what happens to the “marked man” sent away from the presence of God. The second half of chapter 4 is the record of his family, the first of many genealogies that will appear in the book of Genesis. The line Cain is intended to contrast with the line of Seth from chapter 5. Both lines are ultimately full of sin, both lines are graced by God, and both lines are remembered for doing great things. But one is remembered for merely doing some great things, and the other for doing great things for someone greater. Simply stated, we will either be remembered for advancing our name, defending our name, or proclaiming the only name that matters--Jesus.
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