The Helper Unifies
May 10, 2016 Speaker: Sam Ford Series: Helper | God the Holy Spirit
Topic: Topical Series Passage: Acts 2:42–47
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We have been spending some time studying the third person of the trinity, God the Holy Spirit, whom Jesus calls THE HELPER. Without Jesus helping us in death, we cannot be saved; but without the Holy Spirit helping us in life, we cannot experiences the fullness of our salvation! Left alone, we are helpless. Our first helper, Jesus, saves us from the helplessness of deaths, but another helper, the Holy Spirit, saves us from helplessness of our lives. Not only does God the Holy Spirit convict us and calls us out of the world; not only does God the Holy Spirit seal our adoption and help us identify as sons and daughters of the Father; God the Holy Spirit gathers us together and makes us brother and sisters in Christ. In other words, Jesus not only saves us to Himself, but also to a community of people by His Spirit.
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