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Church Planting

Our church is also a founding member of the regional 3Strand Church Network.  We also partner with Multiplication Network and 9marks to further help plant and build healthy churches. 

We believe in church planting because we truly believe in the Great Commission. In other words, Church planting is a matter of faithfulness. We plant churches because Jesus told us to plant churches. So we strive in every aspect of the church to glorify His name, make more of Him, and, if necessary, make less of ourselves (John 3.30).To plant a church means we do our part to plant what only God can grow.

Planting churches, as evidenced by the book of Acts, is how the apostles demonstrated their understanding of Jesus' command. At that time, it proved to be an effective means to reach new people. Throughout history, the continual planting of new congregations has proven to be the single most crucial strategy for:

  1. The numerical growth of the Body of Christ, and
  2. The continual corporate renewal and revival of the existing churches. Nothing else--not crusades, outreach programs, para-church ministries, growing mega-churches, congregational consulting, nor church renewal processes--will have the consistent impact of dynamic, extensive church planting.


The churches we have helped plant include:

Damascus Road Church (2006) Marysville, WA.

Communion Church (2011) Mt. Vernon, WA.


Church plants we currently support include:

Radiant Eagle River (2019) Eagler River, AK

Redemption Church (2020) Portland, OR

Covenant Baptist Church (2023) Springdale, AR


To learn more about why we believe church planting is important, download our document titled "Why plant a church?"