Clock 10:00AM  |  Building 102 AVE. D  |  livestream LIVE STREAM

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Student Ministry


Our Middle School students are invited to participate in WESTBOUND, our mid-week ministry taking place on Wednesday Nights 6:30-8:15pm at Restoration Road Church.  Westbound exists to help students know Jesus and grow in Jesus. In addition to having fun with students and building relationships with them, we will focus our times of teaching on a range of topics, including the gospel, discipleship, apologetics, the church, and mission.

HIGH SCHOOL WESTBOUND (9th - 12th Grade)

Our High School Students are invited to participate in a weekly gathering of 9-12th graders Sundays after service back in the Restoration Kids rooms. This time of connection helps equip teens to engage the culture with a biblical worldview.  

For more information, email Chad Lambert or find us on facebook

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