Genesis 34 | Restoration of Justice
December 18, 2016 Speaker: Sam Ford Series: STRIVE | Genesis 25-35
Topic: Old Testament Passage: Genesis 34
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We desire the victims to be renewed and the victimizers to be punished. Yet, many times our calls for others to be brought to justice are anger-filled reactions to suffering—we want severe punishment. Ironically, we expect the very opposite when the same kinds of sin are revealed in our own lives—we want radical love. We live in a world full of victims and victimizers who are both unable and unwilling to see their sin. Victimizers refuse to see their own sin and feel justified in their violence. Victims refuse to see their sin and feel justified in their vengeance. And, in truth, we are not one or the other; we are both.

More in STRIVE | Genesis 25-35
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Genesis 35: Restoring Our NameDecember 4, 2016
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